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An honours graduate in Business, Jamie worked as a marketing exec for three
years until leaving his career job for the madness of show business
He spent decades on the road as a musician singer and songwriter playing
every venue conceivable, from the Royal Festival Hall in London to small cafes
and bars in Switzerland, Berlin and Prague.
He chanced upon acting only recently out of necessity when his steady gig
playing guitar for the "Queen Of Czech Country Music" (yeah . . really!)
"I started going to castings and got work!"
" I love being on set . . . I'm like a kid in a sweet shop"
I had done some Am Dram at college but nothing serious.
Music picked up again and he began his "double life" as an Actor/Musician
His credits include Borg V McEnroe, Knightfall, Carnival Row and more recently
a film for Netflix that he's sworn to secrecy about.
He has also co-written his first screenplay with the working title "Bohemia
Babylon" which is in post production.
And he'll return to the stage hopefully in November after a 40 year absence.
He's been cast as The Colonel in R C Sheriff's great play "Journeys End"
"There are so many parallels between acting and being a muso .. my time
touring in Europe is serving me well"

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